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Come Visiting Us!

Flat B, 3/F, Good Luck Industrial Building, 105 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Tel: 3486 0516
WhatsApp: 3486 0516

Mon to Fri: 11:30-19:30
Sat: 11:30-18:30
Sun: 13:30-18:30
Public holidays: TBC
(Please ALWAYS check Google Map for working hours before visiting)

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Flat B, 3/F, Good Luck Industrial Building, 105 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Tel: 3486 0516
WhatsApp: 3486 0516

Mon to Fri: 11:30-19:30
Sat: 11:30-18:30
Sun: 13:30-18:30
Public holidays: TBC
(Please ALWAYS check Google Map for working hours before visiting)

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