


Performance trail running gear designed by ultrarunners, and built ultralight and supercool for Hong Kong's hot and humid conditions.

Many big name sports brands hail from Europe or the United States and make decent running gear for cool, dry conditions. Trail runners and ultra runners  in South East Asia need running gear that is crazy lightweight for minimal heat insulation, extra wicking and quick drying, plus super breathable for maximum air flow.

That's the goal here at T8: ultralight, supercool, chafe-free.

9 Colours T8 Men's Sherpa Shorts from Member Price: ??? HK$466.00

4 Colours T8 Sherpa Flask from Member Price: ??? HK$79.00

8 Colours T8 Women's Sherpa Shorts from Member Price: ??? HK$466.00

8 Colours T8 Men's Iced Tee Member Price: ??? HK$268.00

7 Sizes T8 Unisex Ultra Sherpa Shorts Member Price: ??? HK$565.00

6 Colours T8 Air Socks Member Price: ??? HK$79.00
8 Colours T8 Women's Iced Tee Member Price: ??? HK$268.00

3 Colours T8 Multi-Functional Neck Gaiter Member Price: ??? HK$43.00

6 Sizes T8 Weekend Tee HK$70.00 HK$78.00

T8 Neck Cooler HK$168.00

7 Colours T8 BOCO Technical Trucker Member Price: ??? HK$151.00

2 Colours T8 Trail Cap Member Price: ??? HK$160.00