期待已久的 Fenix 最暢銷頭燈 Fenix HM50R V2.0 升級版擁有您喜愛的一切,此外還增加了性能和新功能。這款頭燈超小、重量輕,現在可在 377 英尺處發出最大 700 流明的光。隨附的 16340 可充電鋰離子電池為 USB Type-C 充電電池,頭燈包含電池電量指示器,因此您將始終了解電池的狀態。使用紅光模式進行近距離任務或保護您的夜視能力,並使用紅色閃光燈作為信號裝置。 Fenix HM50R V2.0 充電頭燈防塵、防水且耐 2 米的衝擊,堅固耐用,適合與大男孩一起懸掛,但在長途野外旅行時不會給您帶來負擔。
Good products for hiking and trail runs
Fast shipment and good price
Helpful support and speedy delivery
Good products for hiking, trail runs and helpful support, Singapore buyer here.
Fast shipment, good price. Product arrived as described. Would buy from them again.
Good!!! 送貨速度快
Best price and Speedy delivery. Definitely recommend Hillmalaya to anyone.
My second pair ....great shoes !
nice experience, and the bag is good
Swift response and speedy delivery
Another great shopping experience with Hillmalaya. Great range and competitive prices. Thank you!!
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